Jubilee and Globalization: The Hidden Intention 
The most comprehensive analysis of the divine methods used to solve the evils of society, in contrast to the most significant propositions given throughout the centuries up to the present with purposes that are apparently similar.
It includes a simple yet clear and definite study of the ancient laws of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, seen in the light of all the Bible and of the social context of that time.
It illuminates the confusion ruling the Christian world referring to the prophetic and typological fulfillment of the true Jubilee, that of the Lord, and of its value for our time.
It considers the attitude of the Christian church toward the poor throughout history, in such a way as to reveal the true intentions hidden behind the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches’ presumed defense of interest.
It warns the reader about the backdrop of the current globalization on economic, political, and religious grounds, in relation to the agenda of the imminent celebration of the global jubilee, and in light of the prophecies of the Bible, especially those found in the book of Revelation.
It unveils the philosophical background of most of the millenial dreams, and discards on a sound basis the most common speculations concerning the precise date when the beginning of the true Jubilee, that of the Lord, is to be expected.
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