Seminar I: The Glorious Promises of the Sanctuary 
In addition to being an author, Dr. Alberto R. Treiyer is also a pastor, and has spent several years giving seminars on Revelation and the Sanctuary for pastors and laymen across the US and Latin America. This is why the reader will find in this book, The Glorious Promises of the Sanctuary, the most important theological messages of the ancient worship presented in such a way that those who want to know their value for our time, may understand it easily. In addition, wherever this first seminar has been presented, it has produced very positive reactions. Many pastors express their joy in seeing the many practical, theological applications one can draw from the Word of God by studying these topics.
The Glorious Promises of the Sanctuary consists of two parts. The first part, the main book, is intended for teachers or those simply wishing to gain a better understanding of this topic. It provides various stories and illustrations dealing with the sanctuary. The other section, a booklet, consists of questions and answers in a study guide format and is thus intended for students or any other individuals seeking to study this topic more in depth. These two sections may be acquired separately or together.
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