Seminar III: The Apocalyptic Expectations of the Sanctuary 
This book “presents a Christocentric and historical interpretation of Revelation from the hermeneutical perspective of the sanctuary.” It “follows the basic theological approach of the Adventist pioneers who used the doctrine of the sanctuary as the key that ‘opened to view a complete system of truth, connected and harmonious'” (GC, 423).
“Scripture speaks about two climactic apocalyptic expectations of the sanctuary, the inaugural, and the final. Both refer to Christ’s salvific ministry. Each embraces and articulates a broad and rich range of related expectations that have sustained God’s people since the days of Daniel all the way through to our times…
Dr. Treiyer helps the reader experience the prophecies from the perspective of the historical experience of the people of God throughout the centuries,” and shows “how theology relates to life experiences by bringing healing and hope to the suffering saints that in all ages cry out for God’s intervention and liberation. This makes this… seminar meaningful to the practical needs and expectations of all believers…” and “deals with deep theological issues in a very user-friendly style.”
“The infrequent and felicitous combination of broad scholarly knowledge and extensive pastoral experience enables” the author “to make deep theological insights accessible to all believers… In such a rich work, readers will discover many contributions… All seekers after biblical truth will find Dr. Treiyer’s seminar intellectually challenging and spiritually rewarding.”
– Dr. Fernando Canale, Andrews University
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